Agricultural Ammonia Emission in China

Agricultural Ammonia Emission in China from 2005 to 2016

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19 November 2021


NH3 is the most abundant alkaline gas in the atmosphere. Over 85% of NH3 is emitted from agricultural avtivities, including nitrogen fertilizer application to farmland and live stock husbandry systems. To reconcile the underestimated in current bottom-up NH3 emission estimates with the topdown results, we revisit the processes of agricultural NH3 emissions and develop an improved bottom-up inventory of Chinese NH3 emissions from fertilizer application and livestock waste at the 1/2◦ × 2/3◦ resolution. We further extend our bottom-up estimates of Chinese NH3 emissions to the years 2005–2016.

Citable as: Chen Y, Zhang L, Henze D K, Zhao Y, Lu X, Winiwarter W, Guo Y, Liu X, Wen Z, Pan Y and Song Y 2021 Interannual variation of reactive nitrogen emissions and their impacts on PM2.5 air pollution in China during 2005–2015 Environmental Research Letters 16 125004

Keywords: reactive nitrogen, ammonia, air pollution, satellite observations, fine particulate matter, emission inversion


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